We are BLK J. An independent creative agency that exists to make brands famous. Mostly with tech, sometimes with film, sometimes with whatever, but never with advertising. People hate advertising. We love people.
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GE The Story of Case 396





Covid-19 cases were mounting. Singaporeans panicking. And as a brand that exists to provide peace of mind and help people live #lifeproof, Great Eastern had to do something.

So they put their money where their mouths were, setting up a $1 million fund to provide complimentary Covid-19 coverage for all policyholders.

Then came the creative challenge. An unprecedented brief amid unprecedented times.

They asked us to make a film to show how people had benefitted from the fund – right in the middle of Covid-19 lockdown. They wanted it to be authentic, emotional, powerful. And they needed it ASAP. Never mind that it was impossible to put a shoot together. 

This was our response.